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How To QUICKLY Avoid Foreclosure In Ontario and Credit Damage

Being able to avoid bankruptcy and severely damaging one's credit while clearing debt seems like only a dream for many consumers. But it doesn't have to be. It can often be a reality with this little known and under utilized strategy!

How To QUICKLY Avoid Bankruptcy and Credit Damage

Financial strain is the leading cause to most of life's problems - divorce, depression, insomnia, lethargy, weight gain and many more. This is not secret and the research continues to pile up.

Money is important!

Your finances ARE important, but no one wants to talk about it!

Money is taboo in our society and it should be kept private! - seems to be everyone's 'un-official' opinion.

It's no wonder why so many people wait until the last minute before it's too late. Bankruptcy is their only option because they had no one to talk to!

And we understand, it's not like you can call your friends and ask for help. It can be embarrassing!

But here's how you can quickly avoid bankruptcy and years of your life rebuilding your credit rating.

Sell Your Home and Rent To Avoid Bankruptcy - With A Twist!

I know, its not a revolutionary idea. But most of your money is likely tied up in your home, right? But here's the twist ...

I'm not saying to sell your home the 'typical' way with a realtor. That is costly and can take too long.

There's A LOT of work on your end that goes into selling a home with a realtor, not to mention the costs.

You'll likely have to do some renovations in order to get it presentable for strangers and your neighbors to walk through your home (the worst part!), you'll have to find and deal with contractors, reduce the clutter in your home with a home stager/decorator, be at the mercy of buyers schedules while they book appointments and so on.

You can see how selling a home the traditional way can be emotionally draining as well as time consuming.

And that's only the beginning.

If you're reading this blog, you likely need help yesterday! And here's how you can quickly avoid bankruptcy and clear your debts.

You sell your home to a private investor!

The benefit of selling to a private investor is that they can often close VERY quickly. Usually in just 7 to 10 days!

Your typical buyer will likely need 60-90 days on average, not including all of the prep time before hand to get your home on the market. And if you have credit card companies and your mortgage lenders breathing down your neck, that's far too long! You could lose everything.

Investor's also don't mind if your home needs work. In fact, they prefer it to be left untouched so they can renovate the home the way THEY want it.

The selling process with a professional investor can be much smoother and easier. But that's the key!

You have to connect with a professional investor that IS NOT looking to take advantage of you!

Real estate investor's get a bad reputation but not all are bad. In fact, most are good and will gladly give you fair market value for your home.

Here are two ways to find a professional investor to help you avoid bankruptcy and get those debts cleared!

1 - Use Google

Google is a great tool that we all use daily. By typing in, "how to sell my home fast in Boston," for example, you'll likely see many websites of local investor's who advertise "we buy houses."

What you want to look for is a professional looking website as well as a video (preferably) of the ACTUAL investor who will be buying your home.

The last thing you want to do with is a 'company' or 'group' of investor's. The strategy most of these people use is to get your house under contract for an agreed price and then quickly sell that contract to another 'end buyer' on their list - typically for 10,000-50,000 dollars.

These are likely the types of people who are looking to take advantage of you because they NEED to get your property way under market value just so THEY can make money.

You want to look for an honest and humble investor who is actually looking to buy the home themselves.

2 - Look on Kijiji

Kijiji is another great tool at your disposal. By looking in the "real estate services" section, you can often find these investor's advertising.

Same rules apply, you want to look for professional looking websites as well as humble business owners who are actually going to personally buy your home from you.

Now It's Time To Rent

After selling your home quickly to an investor and avoiding bankruptcy, it's time to rent.

I know renting isn't a first option for many but think of this way. You can now breath and feel light after being debt free!

Carrying a mortgage and all of the associated costs that go along with home ownership can be costly.

You can now take this time to focus on your finances, yourself and your new found freedom.

As we said at the beginning of this blog, many people don't realize just how much physical and emotional strain their finances put on them.

There's absolutely no shame in selling your home to clear all or most of your consumer debt! After all, what's more important? Your health and well being or what you think others think of you?

I hope this blog has given you some hope on how you can quickly avoid bankruptcy and all of the stress that goes along with financial strain.

Sell To Happy Home Buyer Ontario

If you're looking to sell your Ontario home the easy way, with no commissions, fees, inspections or conditions - contact us! We'll make you a solid cash FIRM offer (no conditions) and you can choose to closing date!

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